Copeland is a National New Play Network Featured Writer 2021
Full Length Plays by Cecilia Copeland

"R Culture"
An edgy satire about Our/Rape Culture,
told through a Theatrical circus freak show
by a Ringmaster and two Clowns
as they drop the mask everything
from bridzillas to football revealing the naked truth
about RCulture.
Production IRT Theatre
An edgy satire about Our/Rape Culture,
told through a Theatrical circus freak show
by a Ringmaster and two Clowns
as they drop the mask everything
from bridzillas to football revealing the naked truth
about RCulture.
Production IRT Theatre
Light of Night

Stephanie's poetic descent
into the underworld of marriage.
As her seductive best friend and charismatic
husband fight over who she should be.
In the end she must decide
which doors to leave open for light
and which windows to bar against the cold.
Kilroy's List Nominee 2014
"5 Stars" -DC Metro Theater Arts,
"Highly Recommended" -DC Theatre Scene, Top Three Must See -the Gazette
(More on Press Page)
Productions at Venus Theatre, MD 2014
and IATI Theatre, NYC 2014
This daring play has been developed at Arts/West and New Dramatists.
into the underworld of marriage.
As her seductive best friend and charismatic
husband fight over who she should be.
In the end she must decide
which doors to leave open for light
and which windows to bar against the cold.
Kilroy's List Nominee 2014
"5 Stars" -DC Metro Theater Arts,
"Highly Recommended" -DC Theatre Scene, Top Three Must See -the Gazette
(More on Press Page)
Productions at Venus Theatre, MD 2014
and IATI Theatre, NYC 2014
This daring play has been developed at Arts/West and New Dramatists.

Four Manhattanites and a Fairy-Mermaid Cross are
making their way through your typical mass shootings,
civil unrest and global ecological meltdown, while
trying to get laid, when the island cracks open and
Atlantis rises to either destroy
us or save us from ourselves!
Developed at The Lark Play Development Center
Reading Planet Connections Festivity 2015
Four Manhattanites and a Fairy-Mermaid Cross are
making their way through your typical mass shootings,
civil unrest and global ecological meltdown, while
trying to get laid, when the island cracks open and
Atlantis rises to either destroy
us or save us from ourselves!
Developed at The Lark Play Development Center
Reading Planet Connections Festivity 2015

BIOLIFA Sci-Fic about modern life where all things
are supercharged with artificial emotions.
What will we do when we discover how false
they are and is life without them going to sustain us?
Workshop Production 2014 The Chain Theatre
Staged Reading with The Private Theatre NYC.
Semifinalist for the O'Neill Playwrights Conference and the David Calicchio Emerging Playwright's Prize at Marin Theater Company MTC, 2012.
Finalist for Mabou Mines Residency, 2012
Workshop in October 2012 with TerraNOVA Collective
Staged Reading Nuyorican Poetry Club 2012
are supercharged with artificial emotions.
What will we do when we discover how false
they are and is life without them going to sustain us?
Workshop Production 2014 The Chain Theatre
Staged Reading with The Private Theatre NYC.
Semifinalist for the O'Neill Playwrights Conference and the David Calicchio Emerging Playwright's Prize at Marin Theater Company MTC, 2012.
Finalist for Mabou Mines Residency, 2012
Workshop in October 2012 with TerraNOVA Collective
Staged Reading Nuyorican Poetry Club 2012

A poetic comedy about finding love and selling your soul.
Surrounded by suitors in a ridiculous whirlpool
of romance, sex, money, and societal constrictions
Madelyn tries to find her way in a post divorce world,
while her nemesis and alter ego The Cheerleader attempts to
make her into a cookie cutter version of womanhood.
Semifinalist for The O'Neill Playwright's Conference, 2013
Staged Reading undergroundzero festival, 2013
Winner of SLP's Best New Play, Workshop Production in 2009
Surrounded by suitors in a ridiculous whirlpool
of romance, sex, money, and societal constrictions
Madelyn tries to find her way in a post divorce world,
while her nemesis and alter ego The Cheerleader attempts to
make her into a cookie cutter version of womanhood.
Semifinalist for The O'Neill Playwright's Conference, 2013
Staged Reading undergroundzero festival, 2013
Winner of SLP's Best New Play, Workshop Production in 2009
"The Wicked Son" A Passover Play

A play about love, spiritually, the Middle East, and Gefilte fish.
Heavy guilt meets tiara humor when the youngest brother in the family,
Saul returns home from serving in the Israeli army
with news of his pregnant Palestinian girlfriend.
Our Drag Queen Hostess tries to hold the Seder together
as each member of the family must make peace with the ghosts
of the past wrapped in the politics of today in order
to have Passover as a modern, culturally mixed, American family.
TOP TEN BEST NEW JEWISH PLAYS Jewish Plays Project, 2012
Heavy guilt meets tiara humor when the youngest brother in the family,
Saul returns home from serving in the Israeli army
with news of his pregnant Palestinian girlfriend.
Our Drag Queen Hostess tries to hold the Seder together
as each member of the family must make peace with the ghosts
of the past wrapped in the politics of today in order
to have Passover as a modern, culturally mixed, American family.
TOP TEN BEST NEW JEWISH PLAYS Jewish Plays Project, 2012
More Full Length Plays
Upcoming Staged Reading, The Playwriting Collective April 18, 2016
Finalist for Seven Devil's Playwright's Conference
When the rent needs to be paid, divorce papers signed,
cops threatening to kick you out of the country,
and the cat needs to be fed it's not always possible
to keep your head above water, but if the family cat
has anything to say you better listen. Sometimes
the cat is the only one who knows how to crack a joke
when you need to hear one
and how to swim when it's time to get off the sinking ship.
Upcoming Reading Planet Connections Festivity, June, 2016
Olivia kept the past tightly hidden away, but when the death of an old lover brings
his son to her doorstep carrying a box she must choose whether to keep
the truth contained or set it free...
Upcoming Staged Reading, Project Y Theatre, July 2016
Kori and Will are games designers and best friends-
who hate each other's partners.
When they decide to have dinner with all four of them
it naturally turns into a competition spanning everything
from vegan h'orderves to ISIS to Ms. PacMan.
The last couple standing is supposed to win the ultimate game,
but at what cost?
(In Development)
When your father is a convicted criminal your inheritance
can be more of a curse, but like all curses there must be a way
to break it.
(In Development)
Yoga, Sexual Misconduct and Farts...
How can you keep doing
Downward Dog with a straight face
when your guru has been slapped
with a harassment lawsuit?
Tiene Duende/It Has Soul
Developmental Reading at Stella Adler Acting Studio Directed by Tlaloc Rivas
Seabury Quinn Jr New Play Festival Ohio University
Maria dreams of dancing Flamenco in Spain, but "Puro" Flamenco needs more than technique... it wants blood.
One Woman
Honors Thesis: University of Iowa
Lennis J. Holm Award Scholarshop Writers Workshop U of Iowa
Production for SWAN Day 2008 Directed by Sarah
Portions read on KRUI Radio and in the New Play Festival at University of Iowa.
If there are two kinds of women in the world... which one is the right one?
Holding Forward
Developmental Reading at The WilmaTheatre in Philedelphia directed by Jay Wahl
The story of deciding what to hold onto... love, mistakes, the past and what it takes to move forward.
One Acts

Production int he UDF Festival University of Iowa
Open Hydrant Theatre Co Bronx NYC
Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, First Honorable Mention
Dana and Donny want to win the game of Love and Life, but they can't win playing against each other.
Amusement Bomber
Adapted into a 26 min short film with a grant from Metro Screen Productions.
Femin-Natzi For Hire
Will be Produced for SLUT by The Disreputables in WDC.
A dark comedy about the horrors of being called feminist and still needing to be one.
Commissioned by The Drilling Co, NY
Family Dues, History,
When you climb into bed with someone you think you know
but the turn out to be a complete stranger.
Commissioned by The High School of Performing Arts
Production 2012.
Produced by Open Hydrant Theatre Co 2014
Velvet Eggs
Commissioned by The Overturn Theatre Ensemble and Read at Culturefix Gallery NYC
Presented in the [untitled] Reading Series at Happy Endings on the LES, NYC
Upcoming reading along with Playing in a night of One Acts at IATI Theater in April 2012
Press about Velvet Eggs
"No one's ever talked about my balls like that." MAN
Production int he UDF Festival University of Iowa
Open Hydrant Theatre Co Bronx NYC
Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, First Honorable Mention
Dana and Donny want to win the game of Love and Life, but they can't win playing against each other.
Amusement Bomber
Adapted into a 26 min short film with a grant from Metro Screen Productions.
Femin-Natzi For Hire
Will be Produced for SLUT by The Disreputables in WDC.
A dark comedy about the horrors of being called feminist and still needing to be one.
Commissioned by The Drilling Co, NY
Family Dues, History,
When you climb into bed with someone you think you know
but the turn out to be a complete stranger.
Commissioned by The High School of Performing Arts
Production 2012.
Produced by Open Hydrant Theatre Co 2014
Velvet Eggs
Commissioned by The Overturn Theatre Ensemble and Read at Culturefix Gallery NYC
Presented in the [untitled] Reading Series at Happy Endings on the LES, NYC
Upcoming reading along with Playing in a night of One Acts at IATI Theater in April 2012
Press about Velvet Eggs
"No one's ever talked about my balls like that." MAN
Short Plays

The Next Time
Presented by nopassport and Theatre J for
The Gun Control Theatre Action 2013
as Featured in the Washington PostThe Stop Gun Violence Now Theatre Festival
Directed by Jaki Bradley. Starring Florencia Lozano and Flor De Liz Perez
Presented in the Tree House Readings.
Monday December 16th at 8pm.
Mermaid Girl
Published by The International Center for Women Playwrights 2013 and
Produced in Virginia at the Broadway Performing Arts Center, 2012
Produced by Culture Project NYC, 2012
The Proposal
Sodam and Go More Ahh
Unicorn and Moontanner Girls
Published by The International Center for Women Playwrights 2012.
Life Quest and Totally Inappropriate
Produced by The Great Unknowns at The Cell, Feb 20th and 21st, 2013, NYC
My Flag is Better Than Your Flag
Commissioned and Produced by the Play the Moment and The Pink Ribbon Project,
at The Orlando Repertory Theater 2011.
Words of a Revolutionary
Produced by The Anarchist Theatre Festival of Montreal 2010
To be published by PM Press in, A History of Anarchism in Japan by Adrienne Hurley 2014
Based on the Writings of Kaneko Fumiko
Presented by nopassport and Theatre J for
The Gun Control Theatre Action 2013
as Featured in the Washington PostThe Stop Gun Violence Now Theatre Festival
Directed by Jaki Bradley. Starring Florencia Lozano and Flor De Liz Perez
Presented in the Tree House Readings.
Monday December 16th at 8pm.
Mermaid Girl
Published by The International Center for Women Playwrights 2013 and
Produced in Virginia at the Broadway Performing Arts Center, 2012
Produced by Culture Project NYC, 2012
The Proposal
Sodam and Go More Ahh
Unicorn and Moontanner Girls
Published by The International Center for Women Playwrights 2012.
Life Quest and Totally Inappropriate
Produced by The Great Unknowns at The Cell, Feb 20th and 21st, 2013, NYC
My Flag is Better Than Your Flag
Commissioned and Produced by the Play the Moment and The Pink Ribbon Project,
at The Orlando Repertory Theater 2011.
Words of a Revolutionary
Produced by The Anarchist Theatre Festival of Montreal 2010
To be published by PM Press in, A History of Anarchism in Japan by Adrienne Hurley 2014
Based on the Writings of Kaneko Fumiko